Bible Studies and Lessons

In the Abigails Support Group, participants find biblical guidance for dealing with abuse and its effects. The Bible helps us to understand domestic violence and shows us godly ways to respond to it. The Abigails Support Group uses a year-long series of weekly lessons developed by the Olympia Union Gospel Mission, covering topics such as the dynamics of domestic violence, verbal and emotional abuse, godly submission and godly headship, leaving an abusive situation, forgiveness, boundaries, and much more. Each lesson is designed to last about a half hour and includes discussion questions.  

OUGM is making these lessons available on the Internet to proclaim God's mercy, wisdom, and help in time of need. If you are struggling with abuse, we pray that these lessons will help you with truth from God's Word. If you have a support group for victims of domestic violence or other ministry, we hope these lessons will be a blessing to your work. These materials may be reproduced for use in ministry or other non-commercial purposes. If you wish to print out the studies, check to see if they contain internal links to supplemental pages that should also be printed.  If you have comments, feedback, suggestions, or questions, feel free to contact Judy at 

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors. Your statutes are forever right; give me understanding that I may live. (Psalm 119:24,105,144)

NEW!  Download a workbook containing 10 Bible-based lessons on the basic dynamics of domestic violence and verbal abuse.  This resource is ideal for group or individual study.  Click on this link to download this workbook.

Biblical Perspectives on Domestic Violence: An Overiew

Lessons from David and Saul (1 Samuel)
The relationship between Saul and David provides a study of the patterns often seen in cases of domestic violence. Saul showed many of the classic behaviors of domestic violence abusers. David modeled for us godly responses that even experts today call prudent. Click below to read about each topic.

God Teaches Us About Domestic Violence 
Control and Isolation 
How Abuse Escalates
The Cycle of Violence

Fleeing Domestic Violence

Who's To Blame for Abuse?

Confronting Abuse

Winning at Any Price

Lessons from Abigail (1 Samuel 25)
1Samuel 25 teaches us about Abigail, a woman married to an abusive husband. Her story is only one chapter long, yet it says much about the struggle of women facing abuse at home. It can help women today to understand how to protect family and loved ones from abuse while maintaining godly submission.

Abigail's House  
Was Abigail Submissive? 
Biblical Submission 
Biblical Headship, Part 1  
Biblical Headship, Part 2 
Searching For A Way Out

Confronting Abuse As Sin
When we recognize abuse as sin, it helps us to apply Biblical principles to the situation.

Confronting Abuse As Sin
Verbal Abuse, Part 1
Verbal Abuse, Part 2
Dealing With Destruction Under Our Roof

Healthy Boundaries
In the Abigails Support Group, we use an 8-part video tape series called Boundaries, by Christian counselors Drs. Cloud and Townsend.  It is based on their book by the same title (1992, Zondervan Press).   Here are some additional studies about healthy boundaries:

Godly Boundaries
Forgiveness and Boundaries
Turning the Other Cheek  
Loving Boundaries

Guarding Your Precious Salt
Power, Control and Boundaries 
 (see also Confronting Abuse)

Divorce and Remarriage
Does the Bible permit divorce?  Can Christians remarry after a divorce?  Doesn't divorce break vows made to God?  These studies will examine the scriptures on these important questions.

Does God Permit Divorce?  
Remarriage After Divorce  

Vows and Covenants

It can be hard to forgive after suffering abuse.  Forgiveness is important, but can victims of domestic abuse forgive without setting themselves up for more abuse?

When Is It Appropriate To Forgive?
Does Forgiving Mean Going Back?
Jesus-Style Forgiveness
Forgiveness and Trust
Forgiveness and Freedom
Forgiving Yourself
Forgiving God

On Your Own Again 
Sometimes the abuse does not stop and the relationship must end.   We may find ourselves facing issues of being on our own again.

God's Promises For Single Women  
Mileposts and Potholes  
Dating Is Not For Weaklings  
Seduction Is Not Love